Business Owners Insurance
Today’s rapid, competitive business world has made risk a common term-perhaps so common that some companies forget merely operating from day to day is a potential hazard. The things that are easily taken for granted can become the most damaging sources of loss without warning. Can you afford to lose your computer databases? Your billing records? What about the building you work from? The importance of these assets demonstrates the value of our Business Owners insurance plan, which sets the protective foundation for Media Insure’s complete risk management package.
Unlike many “one size fits all” insurance offerings, we recognize that the advertising industry has particular demands in protecting hard-earned success. As a result, Media Insure’s Business Owners plan is crafted around the most universal perils for companies like yours. However, we also understand that your advertising agency breaks the industry mold in many different ways, which is why our insurance plans are personally tailored and customizable over time.