Employment Practices Liability Highlights

Here you will find more in-depth information regarding Media Insured’s Employee Practices Liability plan, including claims coverage definitions and examples, policy benefits and service features. If you still have questions after going over the materials below, please consult the FAQ, contact us here, or call our toll-free number, 1-800-414-2929.

Coverage against the following threats: (Click on an item to learn more)

  1. 1
    Employment discrimination

    Your agency shows prejudice against job applicants and employees in the hiring, promotion, firing, compensation, or job assignment process on the basis of a wide variety of characteristics.

  2. 2
    Employment-related defamation

    A member of your agency lies about another employee in a way that hurts the individual’s future career or causes co-workers not to associate with him or her.

  3. 3
    Invasion of privacy

    Your agency violates an employee’s right to control property against search and seizure, and to control information about him or herself. This is a difficult risk for companies that initiate monitoring procedures without first consulting an employment law attorney.

  4. 4

    Your agency holds an employee in contempt, as retaliation for a prior claim made by the employee that he or she had been discriminated against within the agency.

  5. 5
    Sexual or other workplace harassment

    Members of your agency initiate unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or any other kind of physical, verbal, and even visual behavior that could be counted as sexual in disposition.

  6. 6
    Wrongful Dismissal, Discharge or Termination and Wrongful Failure or Refusal to Hire or Promote

    Your agency fires, denies employment to, or denies promotion to an employee in a way that goes against the standards and terms set forth in the firm’s employment contract.

Leased or loaned employees.

Temporary, seasonal or part time employees


Your agency may choose to transfer legal defense to our care

No “Hammer Clause” that would force you to reach a legal settlement against your will

No collection of retention fees on any claim where your agency’s not responsible for any damages

Coverage from legal punitive damage

Optional protection for “Third Party Claims”— where your agency was not directly responsible for damages, but was somehow responsible

Willful violations of the law and fraudulent or criminal acts are not excluded from protection

No charge for certificate of insurance

Quick, simplified application process